Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More about me and this blog

- a university graduate with a bachelors degree
- a wife
- a daughter (-in law)
- a sister (-in law)
- interested in feminism and fat activism
- fat (and there's nothing wrong with that)
- a Buffy/Angel/Firefly/anything-Joss-does fan
- not engaged in paid work at the moment
- working through issues with a therapist
- on anti-depressants
- loving Wii Fit
- taking distance education courses
- someone who doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up

I got the idea for this blog from the other constances, and while I'm not trying to have meatspace people read this, I'm not going to stop if someone finds it. Because really, this is a blog for me. An outlet where I can connect with other people out there. A place where I'll be talking about my forgiveness journey. Where I can talk about things I'm reading, watching, and otherwise thinking about (and not be hindered by twitter's 140 character limit). I'm excited to be doing this for me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Moving in

Howdy from a new Constance. Unlike some of the other tenants, this is my only blog. It seemed like a nice group of people, so I thought I would join. More about me to come. Stay tuned!